
December 2021 - May 2025


EUR 1,532,558.68 (94.42% from AMIF)

Implemented by

This Action is implemented by Alto Comissariado para as Migrações I.P. (High Commission for Migration, Public Institute) of Portugal in collaboration with Alta Autoridade para a Imigração (High Authority for Immigration, Public Institute) of Cabo Verde, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE) and Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB) in Portugal.

‘Coop4Int’ seeks to enhance the integration of migrants into the society of Cabo Verde, facilitating the development of tools and services provided locally to migrants and strengthening cooperation on migration issues between Portugal and Cabo Verde.



Reinforcing mechanisms of migrant integration

Aligning to the priorities of the National Immigration Strategy and 2018-2021 Action Plan for Immigration and Social Integration of Cabo Verde, this action will aim to reinforce the mechanisms of reception, regularisation and social inclusion of migrants, as well as develop instruments and local approaches on migration. This will be possible through the integrated action of central and local public entities, private services and civil society.

Capacity-building for Cabo Verdean authorities

Central authorities and municipalities play a key role in the management of legal migration and integration at local level. For this reason, investing in their capacity building will contribute to increase the quality of services provided to migrants. The action partners will organise study visits between Portugal and Cabo Verde and develop a online trainings that will enable Cabo Verde's authorities and civil society organisations to benefit from the experience of their Portuguese partners and to learn from the work of the Support Centres for Migrants Integration run by the Alto Comissariado para as Migrações.

Professional training for migrants in Cabo Verde

The action will also promote social inclusion mechanisms by supporting access of immigrant residents in Cabo Verde to vocational training in various fields, aiming to promote their professional qualification, increase their level of employability and facilitate access to the labour market.

Reinforcing the knowledge about migration in Cabo Verde

The action will increase the production, systematisation, and dissemination of data regarding migration in Cabo Verde, by developing studies on immigration in Cabo Verde and promoting awareness-raising campaigns fostering tolerance of migratory processes and preventing and combating discrimination. With the aim of collecting and analysing information on the evolution and specificities of Cabo Verdean emigration in the world and immigration in Cabo Verde, the partners will also establish a Migration Observatory. This will allow to improve and disseminate knowledge on migration processes in the country, as well as to contribute to the definition and evaluation of better-informed public policies in these areas.